Tawang Monastery – A Photo Story

A wispy mist, as a monk’s threadbare stole, blankets the monastery. Big drops of rain fall unstoppable, as a child’s tears soaking the earth. The grey skies and cool air are friends playing seek and catch with the sun.

Prayer flags flutter in the cool breeze, its humble words almost flying to the gods. The sacred mantra Aum Mani Padme Hum seems to spring from the spinning prayer wheels, while the clash of cymbals is heard from somewhere deep inside the monastery.

Red robed monks, meditatively move their fingers over prayer beads and their chanting reverberates around the mountains. Butter lamps and water bowls pay their respects to the Enlightened One who looks down benevolently to his people. The aroma of a woody incense permeates the air.

The thangkas and paintings, adorning the monastery offer an illustrative journey into the life and teachings of Buddha. Loose yourself into the mystical maze of the mandalas and return with lessons that your soul is seeking.

The holy monastery of Tawang is located in Arunachal Pradesh, India. It is the second largest in the world after the Potola Palace in Lhasa. It’s official name is Tawang Ganden Namgyal Lhatse which translates as celestial paradise of divine site chosen by the horse.

Set deep into the mountains, Tawang is a precious jewel on a crown. Its glowing yellow roofs, are a beacon for the spiritual seekers lost in the turbulent sea of life.

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